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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie take the twins out to a puppet show on a barge

Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie take the twins out to a puppet show on a barge


How cute are these photos? Yesterday, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie took the Empress, Shiloh, and the twins to a puppet show in England. The show is called “the Puppet Theatre Barge” which takes place literally on a barge on the Thames. From the stuffed animals the kids are holding, my guess is that part of the puppet show involves dinosaurs, right?

Anyway, these are some of the first photos of Vivienne where I didn’t feel like she was on a cusp of a major hissy. I’ve always said that about Viv - she just has one of those faces where she always looks like she’s about to break out in an earth-shattering wail. But now she’s a big girl, and her mom even let her walk on her own, and she looks happier - Brad is carrying Knox, who definitely seems like the more easy-going twin. I think Knox looks a hell of a lot like Brad, don’t you? Although Knox’s hair looks like it’s got some ginger to it. I swear, Knox is going to end up looking like Michael Fassbender. And that’s going to be awesome.

Thoughts on Vivienne’s oufit? She seems to like more girlish ensembles - at her age, Shiloh was already dressing like a tomboy, so at least we’re going to be spared tabloid covers about how Vivienne is 3-year-old lesbian, because she wears dockers and likes to play rough with her brothers. I like Viv’s little Mary Janes! So cute.

The Empress! Such a face.








Photos courtesy of Fame.

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Knox Leon Jolie Pitt, Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, Zahara Jolie-Pitt

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25 Responses to “Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie take the twins out to a puppet show on a barge”
  • I miss Angie in her jeans and black t-shirts. She never wears jeans anymore.

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  • Awwwww aren’t they just adorable? Yes!!! Awwww happy families just make my heart melt. I think Viv’s red Mary Jane’s are to die for. I love Mary Jane shoes but since I am an adult I love any Mary Jane style shoe but they have to have a stiletto…nice little heel. Anyway all the kids are cute as can be and yea Knox totally looks like a mini version of his dad. I think Shi and Knox look like Brad, Viv looks like Angie. Zee is like so rocking her summer outfit. That was me all summer cute shorts and comfy tunic.

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  • The shows playing at the Puppet Theatre Barge were The Three Little Pigs and the Wolf, and Captain Grimey.

    I think Viv is super cute.. and Shiloh wore dresses a lot. But not getting into the debate of how parents dress or allow their children to dress.

    That sounded like a lot of fun. I love the shot of Viv looking out and the chubbiness of the twins is just too cute. Knox throws me on his looks. Sometimes I so see Brad and others he looks like his mother.

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  • Such beautiful kids….

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  • Jolie ’s legs are very very skinny

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  • Viv and Shiloh look exactly the same! Strong genetics in that family.

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  • to me, the girl looks more like Brad, and the boy like AJ.
    Good combination of genes, anyway

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  • Adorable! These kids are rocking their own style. I like Angelina’s jacket, too. So sweet that they went to a puppet show!

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  • Is it normal for bigger families to do so many outings where one or two of the kids are left behind? The Jolie-Pitts always seem to be doing things without the whole group. Did Pax and Maddox not want to come? Did they draw the short straws? I always wonder about where the other kids are and why they aren’t with everyone else.

    The ones with them today are supercute, though!

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  • Aww, Knox holding that T-Rex by its tail!

    And Shiloh using her dino like a cuddly toy.

    My fav JP kid is the Empress though.

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  • Adorable kids!

    manda, I think it’s more that they do age-appropriate things with their kids of all ages. Maddox & Pax probably weren’t interested in a puppet show about the 3 Pigs. ;)

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  • So cute !!! Knox looks like the funniest little boy. :)

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  • @manda:

    Yes it’s very normal for large families to go to outing with separate groups of their children at a time. My mom had 9 of us, and we hate going out with our younger siblings, with their whining and acting out.

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  • Janya, can you or someone explain the fascination with Angie wearing jeans and t shirt. I have seen several people asking why Angie is not wearing jeans and t shirt. this has been asked on several sites by several posters, under several names. Does jeans and t shirt makes one a better mother?’ a better woman?, a better actor?. Please explain

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  • White pants would make most of us look fat! How skinny is this one?!

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  • @ manda

    We have 5 kids, and while for the most part we do things all together, certain activities the older 3 want no part of. Nobody ever feels left out, because we always give them the choice to go or not.

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  • For some reason I think Viv looks more like Angelina when whe was a child, if you have seen Angelina’s baby pictures. But a child that young with nail polish I don’t know, Viv seems to like it. Nail polish is for grown ups.

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  • Are there any news besides this bland United Nations family?

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  • I wouldn’t look twice at these kids on a playground. They’re not any cuter than the 50 kids I saw at the playground yesterday. Their parents are stunning, but the kids just look like anybody’s kids.

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  • how cute is this entire family, angie and brad look great, and the children, there are no words, just adorable.

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  • The kids are adorable. Especially love the picture of Shiloh with the thumb sucking and the dinosaur.
    AJ’s legs look super skinny!

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  • Kaiser, I don’t know why you keep claiming Vivienne constantly has tantrums when there’s just a couple of photos of her crying. Besides that’s what such young kids do. Why people decide it’s an issue because it’s the Jolie-Pitt kids is baffling.

    I also have to laugh at the haters. No matter what Angelina does, they complain. For years they said that she’s a bad mother because she didn’t give the kids individual time since they did everything together. Now they say she’s a bad mother because they don’t everything together. I don’t get the recent t-shirt and jeans attacks either. She’s wearing what’s comfortable for her. There’s plenty of makeup in the kids aisle so I don’t understand nail polish is for adults comment. Besides Gwen Stefani’s sons, I think, wear adult nail polish. They always have new polish when Gwen leaves a salon but maybe they have child safe polish. Nobody ever complains about that.

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  • Kids that age are fascinated with dinosaurs. I remember when my son went to the Museum of Natural History with his dad at age 3 and came home jabbering about stegosauruses etc.

    @louisa: There are plenty of other threads on this blog. Nobody forced you to click on this one.

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  • LOL @ MrsOldie2 that is one of the most bizarrre comments ever….. :)

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  • @ Anonymous - Shes three years old, not three months. Nail polish is fine. Lots of kids wear nail polish, only they don’t all have famous moms that some people like to hate & criticize. Go to any pre-school or playground and tell those mom’s, dads & nanny’s that you think nail polish on 3 year olds is inappropriate and see what they say.

    And speaking of nannys, I know several people who are or have been a nanny, for normal, ordinary, everyday people. Not every working parent wants to put their kids in daycare, so they hire a nanny. I certainly would have if I could have afforded it!

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