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Friday, August 12, 2011

“Gabriel Aubry doesn’t let Nahla’s feet touch the ground” links

“Gabriel Aubry doesn’t let Nahla’s feet touch the ground” links

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Links

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30 Responses to ““Gabriel Aubry doesn’t let Nahla’s feet touch the ground” links”
  • I think she has his eyes! This little girl is absolutely gorgeous and is going to be stunning when grown. Too bad she might also be a little crazy cause of her mom. Hopefully her dad will keep her grounded

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  • I’ve always thought that it was strange that celebs carry their kids everywhere, even when they are bigger.

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  • Jennifer Hudson looks great but I doubt she is a size 0. Unless she shops at the same place Kirstie Alley does?

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  • The irony is Michael Lohan is one of the shadiest people in Lindsay’s life (Dina being the other).

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  • Too bad Gabe has to deal with Halle for the rest of his life. Their daughter looks more like him all the time. Halle must have a love/hate w/that.

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  • Again with the carrying kids comments?
    she is only what 3?
    and there are usually several or more adult photographers screaming their names out and with huge cameras.
    Especially in large city environments or at night, I would carry my child too.
    And, I did carry my child if there was alot of traffic or a large crowd-for my own sanity-and he is super active and physical, so it’s not that i did not ‘let him’.
    Really, i hardly think b/c we see them carried when paps take pics, can we judge how it is all the time….

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  • Cute girl.

    But why is her entire childhood featured in gossip news?

    No, don’t tell me “because paps follow her”, because other celebrities manage quite well to keep their kids out of focus.

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  • Jessica alba is a dum*b wh*re.

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  • Nahla is a beautiful child and she seems that she’s well loved by both her parents. As to their relationship, no one knows what went on or goes on behind closed doors but I do find it interesting that everyone assumes that it must be her fault.

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  • IMO JHud is probably a 4.

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  • There is nothing unusual about celebrities carrying their children - even the admittedly strange Katie and Suri. I would feel very protective of my kids if we were being hounded by paps.

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  • Jen Hud wouldn’t look so bad if her face was a little more filled. She looks scary with her face that skinny.

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  • Nahla is such a cute little girl, and Gabriel looks like he’s very much devoted to her.

    Did Halle seriously think she would get away with saying Gabriel mistreated their daughter in any way?

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  • Irm, am I not entitled to say what I want on here?

    I believe that is the first time that I made an “again with the kid carrying comment”. Geez.

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  • Prettiest celeb daughter

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  • I think it probably just comes down to being able to move through the paps a lot faster if you’re carrying the kid instead of trying to get a 3 or 4 year old to hurry.

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  • Jennifer Hudson is a size 6 at the smallest! Not a 0, how delusional is she?

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  • She is so beautiful! I would carry her too. I hate seeing parents walking and the babies running and being dragged next to them to keep up. I carried my daughter all through Disneyland instead of a stroller when she got tired. Lost 10lbs! Best diet EVAH!

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  • I can be a size zero in one store… and literally have to squeeeeeze into an 8 at another one.

    To say I am “a size zero” is ridiculous. And far from true!

    The fixation with actual sizing boggles my mind.!

    Lets focus instead on the fact that her weight loss is great for her overall health, risk reduction of the many weight associated diseases/disorders and that she has optimized her lifestyle for a more healthy one!

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  • Oh, please tell me she isn’t a 0. I hope she was just in a store with overly friendly sizing. She needs to tone it down. She looked great a while back and she was a terrific WW spokesperson. Not everyone needs to resemble the carrot stick they ate for lunch! It’s OK to be fit and curvy! Damnitall, I think she looked better 10lbs ago.

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  • From the actual article- “Is Jennifer Hudson really a size 0? That’s the rumor Joy Behar has spread after meeting the singer in a clothing store. The View host says she overheard a clerk telling Hudson she was a size 0. ”

    Seems Joy Behar is saying Jennifer Hudson a size zero, not J. Hud herself, so ease up on her. Whether it’s a 6, 4, or 0, she is still very slim and her transformation is no less amazing.

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  • Good to see Gabriel with his daughter. I agree with Liz that having a mum like Halle can make any kid neurotic which is why it is a good thing Gabriel is steadfast in putting up with Halle’s latest court and custody dramatics. He’s the only sane person in Nahla’s life.

    I think when there’s issues like traffic and paps around it is a good thing to carry the kid even if they can walk on their own. It’s just a sense of security if not being able to quickly get places when you’re trying to avoid the paps, no?

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  • Another photo-op Gabe??? :) :))

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  • @6: Good point. Can you imagine if some paps from across the street called her name and she walked on to the road and got hit by a car?

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  • If I could hold on to my child like that no matter how big they get…I would. He looks like a proud and protective papa…not to mention hot.

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  • Good to see GA with his daughter. Halle accidentally did one thing right, at least, concerning her child. She picked a man to have a baby with who, little did she understand, was ready and willing to be and remain, a Dad to their child. And he won’t be blown off, or bought off, or insulted off!

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  • Gabriel’s hairstyle is the exact same as Diana Agron’s on the Cosmo cover, lol!

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  • Halle seems to be treating Aubry a little better lately. My opinion of her will rise according to how decently she treats the baby daddy.

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  • GA could be a real piece of work but it
    seems because he is a model, looks good on paper (and is perhaps white) he
    is given the extreme benefit of the doubt in regards to his true character and personality. GA is NOT a saint, does not walk on water and is only doing what a father should do. He does NOT deserve a prize for making a baby
    and being involved in his child’s life.
    Outside of the modeling world who knew of GA until he met HB. If he did NOT want his celebrity status why didn’t he have a baby with a non celebrity or date KK? For the record: HB could have went to a sperm bank however she wanted her child to have a father because she grew up without one.

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  • Good point, Steve. Is her father the only real support she’s got? I don’t know! There a good chance he’s not. Her case sure isn’t more tragic because the fates would seek to place a furrow on her beauteous brow. It just sometimes seems like the story is supposed to be sadder because Nahla is every inch the gorgeous darling the world says she is. Weird.

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