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Friday, August 12, 2011

“Alexander Skarsgard is really sweet with a child actor” links

“Alexander Skarsgard is really sweet with a child actor” links

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Links

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8 Responses to ““Alexander Skarsgard is really sweet with a child actor” links”
  • …I didn’t think it was possible for me to fall any more in love with ASkars. Jesus.

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  • Waaaaaaaaaay better than the recent pics of Ryan Gosling and a baby. Just sayin.

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  • Good blinds. Not sure about #3 (could be Bradley or Leo) but #4/5 has to be Goop & Mr. Goop…right?

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  • *sploosh*

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  • This is so ‘effing cute.

    Also, I still believe in Bert and Ernie’s love.

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  • lol @ alice

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  • His giant underwear (those look like freaking basketball shorts!) hanging out of his skinny jeans is not attractive. But I do love me some Eric Northaman.

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  • have my babies alex!!!

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