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Sunday, August 7, 2011

“Michael Kors is engaged, and his fiancé is kind of hot” links

“Michael Kors is engaged, and his fiancé is kind of hot” links

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Links

- Rise of the Planet of the Apes: Dustin thinks it's awesome [Pajiba]
- Dear Jennifer Aniston: stop doing photo ops [Popsugar]
- LMAO at Bluetooth! [D-Listed]
- Brett Ratner is producing the Oscars? [Lainey Gossip]
- Rachel Bilson and Kirsten Bell both look fug [Go Fug Yourself]
- Kelly Ripa: just as annoying as a teenager [Evil Beet]
- Is Wikipedia dying? [Gawker]

27 Responses to ““Michael Kors is engaged, and his fiancé is kind of hot” links”
  • Nice, Michael Kors. Get it, girl!

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  • Wow! They look like father and son. Congratulations to the both of them.

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  • OMG He’s marrying Justin Bobby????

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  • They look like brothersâ€" nearly like twins :P

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  • I hate Michael Kors. He always seems so smug whenever he is on any kind of Bravo show. Talk about Queen of the Humblebrag (my new favorite word). Now if Tim Gunn was getting married I’d be all excited for him and his spouse. I just feel sorry for the dude marrying Michael Kors.

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  • is it me, or michael kors and his fiance look very similar! similar nose, eyes and smile. the fiance looks like a younger kors.

    ETA: super creepy squid! in hong kong, at the fish market, i saw fishes that were cut in half, fileted almost, with still beating hearts. freaked me out!

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  • I completely agree. The fiance looks like a son with his dad. That’s kind of strange. But I guess they must love themselves and each other!

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  • The pet one was so sad :( I nearly lost my dog in June and spent close to 10k saving her life. Everyone questioned me about the expense but I was told by the vet she’d still live a great life. I used to cry on her fur when she was a puppy because my husband left and she just means so much to me. And less than a month after her surgery my brother suddenly died and I cried with her again. It was worth every dollar to have her with me.

    I love my dog.

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  • I think Lance is like 44-45. And Ms Kors is 51 so the age difference isn;t that great. glad they are happy and going to the chapel!

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  • @ teehee


    they must’ve been together forever to start looking so much alike.

    like people & their dogs. lol :lol:

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  • I feel they same way about my dogs & cats, Roma. I’m sorry for your loss, somehow pets feel our pain and just by being there make us feel better.

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  • they look related…

    they also look super happy!

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  • @Roma, I work for a company that makes animal health products. I hate my job but I’m surrounded by pictures and stories of animals and the lives our stuff has saved. It’s weird because what I do isn’t meaningful to me at all, but what I am a part of is.

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  • he looks like the poor man’s gabriel aubrey

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  • For some reason that picture made me nauseous.

    Thank you BW, it’s the familial resemblance. They are the Mick and Bianca of the gay world (thank you mom for subscribing to Hola! when I was a little girl)

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  • Good for him ! His fiance is very hot !!!

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  • @Roma- I’m so sorry. I just lost my little friend in June. Was missing her more than normal today and then I read this. I’m sure it was worth every penny to keep your dog with you. I did the same until I couldn’t.

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  • @tara-i totally thought that too-looks a bit like gabe aubrey and john corbett combined, to me….

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    (I know he is)

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  • Doesn’t his fiance in the first picture look like Gerard Butler. Ha Ha.

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  • Snuff film is right. Holy sh*t that grossed me out. Images like this are the reason that my iron levels are consistently low.

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  • Roma…I love how you love your pet and I’m so sorry you have gone through these tragedies. Blessings, hun!

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  • WOW! Good job Michael!

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  • Heather Locklear is gorgeous, but that is an ill fitting dress…

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  • Damn, good catch! We all know Michael Kors is the queen in that relationship.

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  • Aww thanks all! Animal lovers are always the nicest of people.

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  • Re: the Boobs Legsly post. An orange sherbet chiffon bathrobe-wrap. Charming. As usual. She is such a tacky piece of work, y’all. I want her to go away.

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