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Friday, August 5, 2011

“First look at Henry Cavill’s misty, foggy Superman” links

“First look at Henry Cavill’s misty, foggy Superman” links

Written by Kaiser


Posted in Links

- Matt Damon's five best unscripted political moments [Pajiba]
- Cute pictures of Sandra Bullock and Louis [Lainey Gossip]
- Blind Items: Natalie Portman? [D-Listed]
- Al Pacino as Phil Spector, perfect [Fark]
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- Simon Cowell: moobs! [Popsugar]
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- Nadya Suleman opens her mouth, lies fly out [Evil Beet]

24 Responses to ““First look at Henry Cavill’s misty, foggy Superman” links”
  • He’s gorgeous! *swoon*

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  • I was hoping you would post this pic! HGF Friday early!!!!

    SIGH!!!! and YUM!!!!! etc. etc. etc.

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  • They smooshed his beautiful curls.

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  • Ick! Muscles look fake, hair is awful. And where is he? A sewer? A submarine? Whole thing is fake.

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  • Could I get a tutorial on good vs. bad weaves? lol, I mean I know that Britney’s weave is the very essence of BUSTED, but I didn’t think JLo’s looked all that bad in the pic on CDAN. What’s so awful about it?

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  • I adore him. Probably will wait to see it on cable though.

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  • Didn’t he used to be hot? He looks very old in those pics and not hot. I won’t be seeing this, though I do love Amy and Diane. I’ll wait till it’s on dvd. If that.

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  • Eh. Brandon Routh was waaaayyy hotter, but unfortunately had the acting skills of a wet rag :/

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  • How could you have not commented on this today? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2022146/Shane-Warne-loses-weight-burly-Mr-Elizabeth-Hurley.html
    Liz Hurley has pumped him so full of plastic by the looks of it he can’t swallow properly any more! Seriously what is that dribbling down his face

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  • nom nom nom nom nom

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  • Matt Bomer would be much better, IMO.

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  • This man is absolutely gorgeous! But he looks terrible as Superman, the costume is total Kryptonite to his looks.

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  • Lindsay Lohan swaying to Coldplay singing Rehab while holding up a lighter = so stupid girl.

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  • WAIT! Superman isn’t supposed to be my type. Superman is light and fluffy (the character and the films) This is totally wrong canonwise but it looks fab.

    I agree that the last guy was prettier but so bland and boring.

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  • He’s hot, but that is an odd promo photo. I’m guessing it’s a bank vault, but who knows.

    I love Paul Rudd.

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  • Sigh - no offense to this guy, but I don’t think anyone can compare to Christopher Reeve. :^(

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  • HOT. SUPERHOT! That jawline is just killer.

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  • Studios need to consider more carefully how they promote these now dime a dozen superhero movies. I LUSTED after Cavill upon watching The Tudors but he looks odd in this photo. Really not sure I want to see this one. Just because they’re relauching/rebooting/trying again etc etc with the Superman franchise doesn’t mean it will be a sure-fire hit. Look at the mess that was the last one. Kryptonite.

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  • So glad he doesn’t have an aversion to being in tights. Loved Henry Cavill in The Tudors and will see the Superman movie because I can look at him on a huge screen for 2 hours.

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  • How practical is that cape…seriously.

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  • Doesn’t even look like him.

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  • He looks weird. Why is that cape so long, it’s long enough to be a bedsheet. LOL. Not feeling this, no wonder they pushed back the movie until 2013.

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  • Another Superman movie? Seriously now… and he looks so old in that picture.

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  • Glyrics, your beef is that it appears fake? It’s Superman, not Schindler’s List.

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